Needless ConnectorDuring the venous canalization of a patient for peripheral venous access, needleless connectors (NCs) are required and used. They remain attached to the patient's IV catheter for 3 to 7 days and before and during use, should be cleaned and disinfected. Its usefulness is to maintain an easy venous access for the administration of drugs or to take blood samples . Some NCs have a complex structure and an indirect fluid pathway, so blood or other fluids are less likely to be eliminated or disinfected. When blood or other materials settle on an inner surface of the CN, they can serve as nidus for the development of biofilms and infections in patients.
What is it about?We have designed a structure that covers the connector in order to avoid direct contact of the surface that comes in contact with the luer lock or luer liss systems and at the same time minimize the manipulation by the health staff. On one hand, this device makes much easier healthcare staff´s duties who handles it , and on the other hand, it is safer for both the professional and the patient.
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The regulatory certification of the T-Control® urinary catheter is pending to be obtained. - Not available for commercial sale.
La sonda urinaria T-Control® está pendiente de certificación reglamentaria- No disponible para la venta comercial.
RETHINK MEDICAL S.L. ha recibido un préstamo ordinario de Línea Financiera para la innovación empresarial para PYMES, del Fondo Canarias Financia 1, para la financiación del proyecto denominado “CATÉTER URINARIO INNOVADOR DESTINADO A REDUCIR LAS INFECCIONES, AUMENTAR LA CALIDAD DE VIDA DE LOS PACIENTES Y MEJORAR LA EFICIENCIA DEL TRABAJO EN EL HOSPITAL”, cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) en un 85% a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de Canarias 2014-2020, contribuyendo al cumplimiento de los objetivos del eje prioritario 1 "Potenciar la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la innovación", Objetivo Específico 1.2.1 "Impulso y promoción de actividades de I+i lideradas por las empresas, apoyo a la creación y consolidación de empresas innovadoras y apoyo a la compra pública innovadora.”
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